About Us.

Welcome to YUJ Yoga & Ritual School.

Yuj Yoga is the best yoga school in Rishikesh, India. We have been conducting yoga class since 2007. We provide Pranayama Classes, Therapeutic Yoga Classes, and Meditation Classes, Advance Asana Practice etc. We also conduct Teacher training Course of 100hr, 200 hr etc. along with this we take student for Yoga retreat camp.

Yoga word is originated from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means to unite. If we define this in spiritual terms so the union of Individual Consciousness with Universal consciousness. . In addition, Yoga is the union of the soul and the divine in Indian philosophy. Panini ji has divided Yuj Dhatu into three parts Yujir Yoga, Yuj Samadho and Yuj Syamen.


Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Yoga teacher training is a path to personal growth, enabling you to take your yoga practice to the next level. It helps you develop skills that will have an impact on both your physical and mental health for years to come.

It prepares an individual, improves productivity, emotional stability, inculcate mental hygiene and holistic health. Yoga as a professional career has a lot to offer. “Yoga is more than just physical exercise. It is a disciplined science which helps to harmonise the inner self with the outer world.


Retreat Camp.

Yoga Retreat Camp.

Yuj Yoga School in Rishikesh is one of the best Yoga Retreat. We bestow yoga retreat camp in Rishikesh which lies in the foothills of Himalayas. Join our various packages for yoga retreat camp along with various yogic spirituals activities. Basically, this retreat packages good for detoxifications rejuvenating & relaxations of body & mind.

In this Yoga Retreat Camp We provide daily morning & evening yoga class, daily Yogic body cleansing, Pranayama, Meditations Classes, Daily Herbal Drinks, once Ayurveda massage once steam bath, Hyeince & Cleans Room...


Healthy Lifestyle

Yoga helps to cure disease for make healthy life. It give you strength and flexibility. It improve heart rate, control sugar and BP etc. It help to refresh your body. In ancient time peoples practice yoga so they lived more than hundred years.


Body & Mind Balance

A major goal of yoga is to achieve balance between the body and mind. With yoga, we open blockages in our bodies so that prana can flow. Our body and mind interconnected which make its vital to attain balance in body as well as mind.


Meditation Practice

Meditation is a practice which we focus in a particular things. It is mindfulness practice in which we become aware about body or what going inside our body. We feel the divine power of nature via meditate in serene place.



An ideology is a set of beliefs or philosophies attributed to a person or group of persons, especially those held for reasons that are not purely epistemic, in which "practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones.

10000 +





Years Completed

Special Classes

Group Yoga.

Yuj Yoga bestow group yoga classes in Rishikesh so if you want to join group yoga classes then you are welcome in our Yuj yoga Centre which is located in Rishikesh.

Personal Yoga

Personal Yoga Classes offer students the ability to focus on personal interests, concerns or goals.


Whether you're looking to improve your energy, focus, mindfulness, manage anxiety or sleep better. Pranayama is your answer.

Reiki Classes

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch.

Online Yoga

Online yoga classes are a great method where they can learn and practice without any hesitation.


Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.

Therapeutic Yoga

therapeutic exercise involves movement prescribed to correct impairments, restore muscular and skeletal function and/or maintain a state of well-being.

Popular Packages

100 Hour

Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yoga Classes

Room Facility.

Food Facility

Pick-Up Facility


7 Days


Yoga Classes

Room Facility.

Food Facility

Pick-Up Facility


20 Days


Reiki Classes

Room Facility.

Food Facility

Pick-Up Facility
